Sunday, February 21, 2016

Chapter 39

Chapter 38

          In the morning jalal sitting on bed and watch jodha who still sleeping, he is getting ready to go to office, it’s his first day to work again afte he take a long day off for his honeymoon so there’s must be lot of work waiting for him, and in his absence abdul, mirza and adgah handle the company and everything that need his attention will be hold until he come back to work, back to his wife jalal think jodha look little bit pale, may be she is really tired, for month they were went from one city to another one, and she is very exciting and enthusiasm and soo tireless exploring the beauty of the country they’ve been visited and not too mention they super active lovemaking so may be it takes a toll on her, jalal caress her face gentle and jodha open her eyes slowly.
“ good morning sweety “ greet jalal
Jodha smile “ good morning “
“ you look little bit pale sweety . . may be you are exhausted “ said jalal
“ hmmm . . . may be “ she reply but she is indeed feels very weak
“ now . . i want you to take a rest . . . just relaxing  . . ok “ jodha nod “ i must go to work now but i will call you whenever i can “ he add
“ ok . . . gonna miss you today “ jalal smile look at her cute face
“ i’m gonna miss you too sweety . . and call me if you something happen . . i don’t like to leave you when you unwell like this . . . . . “
“ hey i’m ok . . honestly . . . just like you said may be i’m tired, exhausted . . i think i will completely fine after rest for one or two days “ she reassuring her concern husband
“ ok . . but if in one or two days you still like this we will call doctor ok ? i’m afraid if it’s virus or more, but thank God tomorrow is weekend so i can taking care of you “ he said
“ hmmm that sound very nice “ she said
“ yes it is will very nice . . ok i will go now . . “ then jodha try to sit, she want to send off her husband go to work but she feel dizzy “ wow sweety what are you doin ? keep lay and rest . . no need to send me off . . “ he put a blanket over her body
“ ok . . then . . . come home soon “ she said
“ i will sweety . . i will “ he reply then he kiss her forehead “ i’m goin now . . . now back to sleep “ he command and jodha give him a weak smile but her eyes feels soo heavy and so she already sleep again before jalal leave, jalal go to kitchen and bring water and glass then put it on the small table beside bed, in case jodha want to drink she don’t have go to kitchen, the he leave for work.

In mughlas corporation head office employees feel happy and nervous, happy because today is the last day of work before weekend and nervous because their big bos start to work again after his long honeymoon, they watch the beautiful wedding since jalal invite all his employee from the top executive until the lower position employee,  and they never saw beautiful wedding like that, and now their big bos is back.
Jalal arrive by helichopter, it’s more fast compare if he use car and he need travel fast because he want go to home to his wife fast.
Adgah already waiting for him in heliport and he smile when he see jalal jump out from helichopter, it’s been a month jalal away from work now he is back.
“ welcome back jalal “ greet adgah
Jalal smile to adgah “ it’s good to be back “ reply him and then both enter the building
“ so how was the honeymoon ? “ ask adgah and a big grin change his smile
“ it’s very fantastic adgah . . . it’s the best days in my life . . “ he reply with happy and cheerfully “ but now she is not feeling well, my poor jodha must be feel very tired and exhausted “ he add with concern
“ may be she just need a rest and sleep well “ said adgah
Jalal nod “ yes . . . but still i don’t like seeing her like that “ reply jalal
“ don’t worry . . she will ok “ adgah reassuring jalal
Jalal and adgah come out from elevator when jalal see abdul standing in fron of rani’s table, he smile and look at his best friend who will become groom very soon.
Abdul watch jalal and adgah walk toward jalal office “ well . . well . .  welcoming back brother . . “
“ thank you man . . “ reply jalal
Abdul observe jalal who look very happy “ i assume honeymoon goin great judging the way you smile and grin “
Jalal chuckled “ of course it getting smooth and wonderfull abdul “ said jalal “ you will taste what i’ve taste and believe me brother that you wont feel enough “ he add
Abdul laugh “ speaking of me . . if you and jodha feel ok i want to talk bout my wedding with selima to other family member “ jalal remember jodha who still weak but he think may be she will feel better can meet people she love he think
“ sure abdul . . . i will ask ammijan to arrange it . . jodha will be fine tomorrow ? “  he said
“ jodha sick ? “
“ she is just too tired from honeymoon and perhaps all she need is rest “ reply jalal
Abdul smile widely “ brother you didn’t give her enough time rest do you ? “ ask abdul
Jalal laugh “ you smartass  . . . but i gave her enough time “ he said in amusement
Adgah smile looking the two best friend teasing and joking around “ ok . . now back to business, jalal today you had lots of deal to close “ said adgah
“ ok  . . . let’s go then “ then jalal, adgah and abdul enter his room but before he greet rani his secretary who greet her with smile widely.
Jalal really busy since he step into his office, even he already take couple cup of coffee and rani must order food for his lunch because he don’t have time to go out, meanwhile jodha just wake up around lunch time, she feel better when she wake up and with new spirit she go shower and the cold water make her fresh, finish shower she come down to kitchen and cook some food because she feel hungry but she can’t eat too much because her tongue still feel bitter, so she try to eat fruit because she can’t let her stomache empty, she make fruits salad and she like the sweet and sour from the mix fruit, it’s seems like she find her appetite again so she make sandwich and she eat it and don’t know it feel delicious.
Jodha come to wardrobe room that jalal order selima to make and see it already set up and selima make it connect to their bedroom, she didn’t notice it because she was too tired, and jodha that her and jalal new dress hadn’t unpack and she smile because selima must be know that she want to arrange their clothes in wardrobe my herself, but now she is not in the mood to unpack the new clothes, so leave from them and go to her studio, she sit in front of a canvas and with a happy feel she start to painting and she don’t know for how long she’s been spending time there, she feel relax and calm inside here, she is back to reality when her phone ring, she answer the video call from jalal.
“ helloo “ she great jalal who look very handsome on screen
“ helo sweetheart . . how are you feeling ? “ ask jalal
“ i’m feeling better now “ reply jodha
“ and have eat ? you skip breakfast “ reminded jalal
Jodha smile to him “ yes jalal i’ve take lunch and eat fruits salad too “ she announce
“ i’m happy that you feel better . . . and what are you doin now ? “ he ask
“ i’m in studio try to make a painting and it’s feels good here “ she said and jalal can see happiness in her eyes
“ ooh that’s very good sweety . . can i look at it when i got home ? “ he ask
Jodha chuckled “ no . .  you can look at it when it finish “ she said and jalal give pathetic disappoint fake face which make jodha laugh.
“ what time you will back ? “ she ask
“ i’ve got lot work to do here i will come home as soon as possible . . and mean time take care of yourself, don’t forget to eat dinner and if you don’t have appetite try to eat light food but never let your stomache empty . . understand ? “ jodha smile listening to his protective husband
“ i will do whatever you say “ jodha reassuring him
“ good “ he said in satisfaction “ and tomorrow abdul will come , he will talk bout the wedding with selima in family, and i hope you feel much better so you can come “ he add
“ ooohhh . . of course i will getting better . . ohh boy i’m soo happy with selima and abdul wedding plan “ said jodha
“ good . . now sweety i must back to work . . see you later . .  love you “ he said
“ love you too jalal “ reply jodha and then jalal end the video call
Jodha smile remembering how abdul and selima will get marry and she can’t wait to talk with selima, she is glad that selima got the man that will love hime, she heard bout abdul and so she know that he is a good man and not like mirza who like to chase woman abdul like jalal in that department, remembering mirza she make her remember moti too, she miss her dearly and miss talking to her, then she call her.
“ jodha baby . . finally you call . . how are you ? “ moti missing her best friend soo much and since she in honeymoon she try no to call her often because she is afraid disturb an romantic momen between jodha and jalal, and she know she just got back to india but she think her best friends will need time to rest and she is planning to call her tomorrow.
“ yes moti . . . i’m fine . . but very tired and exhausted “ jodha reply and moti smile listening to her
“ hahah baby with a hottie like your husband you will always feel tired and exhauster . . he didn’t give you mush time to sleep am i right “ tease moti and jodha blush because may be that’s what people think when they heard she is tired and exhausted
“ hahaha yes well . . . of course he give me much time to sleep “ reply jodha
“ yeah right . . i’ve seen hunger and desire in your eyes jodha . . and i bet he wont miss any chance to do it over and over again “ jodha amaze with how moti can guess everything
“ hahaha . . we’ll talk when we meet, listen tomorrow is weekend if you and aunty juhi don’t have plan come here, i will send car for you, i really missing you and auty juhi “ said jodha and she don’t why but she feel want to be pampering by people she love
“ mother have plan with some her friend but i can go there and so i can meet my man there “ reply moti
“ hah . . you fox . . i know you will come to met mirza “ jodha pretend to be angry but moti chuckled because jodha is the worst in pretending department.
“ baby . . you and him are important to me .  . the different is he had something can make my body satiesfield while you are very good for my soul “ said moti and jodha laughting hard
“ ok then . . . and tomorrow abdul and selima will talk to family bout their marriage plan “ said jodha
“ yes i’ve heard from mirza that they are goin to marry and i’m happy for them “ said moti
“ so tomorrow i will send car to pick you up around 7pm  . . we will have fun time together and may be we can swimming together “ moti look very excited
“ ooh baby i’m soo in . . “ said moti
“ no need to bring swimsuit . . i bough lots of clothes including swimsuit you can wear one, and by the way i’ve bough you and aunty juhi clothes too . . . “
“ ooohh my . . really jodha . .  ? “ ask moti with disbelief
“ yes really . . . how can i forget my sister when jalal and bhaijan spoiling me and buy almost everything in every store . . “ said jodha in amusement when she remembered how jalal and sujamal done that crazy thing.
“ thank you baby . . . you are the best “ said moti
“ see tomorrow then and i can’t wait to hear you hot romance with mirza “ jodha reminded her and moti laugh
“ sure baby i will tell you every hot detail “ jodha laugh too “ see you tomorrow “ said moti then the phone wend dead, jodha with smiling put the phone on small table behind her, then she continue painting when suddenly she feel dizzy and almost loose balance but she hold herself and suddenly she feel nauseated, she come out from studio and go to kitchen and drink some water, then she make kiwi juice and just put little bit sugar, then she go to garden behind their house and she see zahir and some bodyguards not far from her and smile to them and they all smile back to her, she standing near the pool when suddenly she feel dizzy again and her sight start to blur, zahir in horror watch jodha’s sway then fall to the grass, he and other bodyguards run towards unconscious jodha.
“ go to mrs hamida house and told her that jodha faint . . go go go “ he command one of his man and he move fast.
Zahir then carry on jodha to living room and laying her on couch and see her pale face, then he take out his phone and call the big man, and after the fifth rings jalal answer his call.
“ what’s wrong zahir ? “ ask jalal
“ bos . . madam just faint at garden, i’ve already carry her to living room but she still unconscious . . what should i do ? i’ve already send one of my man to go to your mother house “ jalal who is in the middle of meeting feel very shock because he just spoke to jodha and she is fine
“ ok . . i’m goin to home now . . don’t leave her until ammijan come “ said jalal and people in meeting room look at jalal who look shock and there are worry written all over his face
“ alright bos “ reply zahir then he hang up the phone
Jalal looking at curious faces watching him then he stand up “ ladies and gentleman i’m really sorry but i have to leave, my wife faint so i will go now, adgah will handle everything in my absence . . once again i’m sorry “ he announce and his business collague understand his feeling so they don’t have problem when jalal must leave first.
Adgah watching worry jalal “ is jodha ok ? “ ask him
“ i don’t know adgah . . i will call doctor to check her up . . i will let you know how it is “ reply jalal
Adgah nod “ sure . . go now . . and let know her condition “ said adgah
“ will do adgah “ then jalal guarding by ahmed and two more bodyguards leavel the building and jalal already call doctor when he walking to heliport.

Jodha open her eyes slowly and she feel very dizzy and nauseated keep bothering her, she try to sit but a warm hand hold her forehead and make her laying again, she just realize that she is not alone, she look up and saw hamida, bakhi bano and zahir, they all looking at her with worry and concern.
“ ammijan ? you are here ? what happen ? “ she ask in weak tone
“ you were fainted jodha, zahir told one his man to told bout me , and i come here as soon as possible with bakhsi bano “ said hamida still caressing her forehead.
“ how are you feeling bhaibijan ? “ ask bakhsi bano with concern
“ dizzy . . jalal said i must very tired from our travel for honeymoon . . but today i feel better but then i feel dizzy again “ answer jodha
“ you were scaring us like hell mam when you fainted “ reply zahir
Hamida look jodha’s face still pale and she wonder what’s wrong with her, she just hope she is not sick “ jalal already call doctor and he on the way back here “ then they hear helichopter and not for long jalal burst in and he look at jodha who laying on couch in living room, he run toward her and kneel beside her.
“ ooh sweety . . are you ok ? how you feel ? “ ask jalal, he hold jodha hands and caress her pale face
“ feel very dizzy . . and . . . “ suddenly nauseated attack her again and she feel want to vomit “ ueekk . . . “ she close her mouth
Jalal know she will vomit so with fast she carry her to bathroom and help her standing in front of  batroom sink, she vomit and jalal hold her hair while caressing her back gentle, jodha’s body shaking and start too loose balace but jalal hold her, then when she stop vomit and wash her mouth with water jalal look at her who more pale then he caress her face.
“ ohhh sweety . . what’s wrong with you ? “ he ask and now he start to worry with jodha condition, jodha rest her face on his chest
“ i don’t know jalal “ she reply weak
“ come i’ll take you to bedroom “ said jalal then he carry her outside and he see his family looks very worry too with jodha and he see dr. kumar “ come doctor follow me “ said jalal and hamida, bakshi bano along with dr. kumar follow jalal.
Hamida watching how jalal with gentle lay jodha on bed and standing beside the bed, she feel worry when she heard jodha fainted, especially looking at her pale face but when she vomit hamida feel there is possibility that jodha pregnant but don’t wont raise her hope yet until doctor confirm it.
Dr. kumar start to check jodha and with serious and worry jalal watch it, bakhsi bano feel worry too and she panic when one of jodha’s bodyguard told that jodha fainted, she is really worry for her.
Dr. kumar at jodha  “ since when you feel like this ? “ ask the older doctor
“ since yesterday “ answer jodha
“ and you have you got menstruation ? “ he ask
Jodha look surprise but she try to remember and she realize that she is late for few weeks “ no it’s seems i don’t realize that “ she said and hamida smile widely listening to her daughter in law, she is now very sure that jodha is pregnant
Dr. kumar look at jalal and smile “ you are newly wed right ? “ he ask
Jalal don’t understand why doctor smile while his wife sick “ yes . . it’s just over a month “
Dr. kumar nod “ well it’s happen sometimes . . possibility your wife is pregnant now, but need to check her using ultrasound “ he answer and jalal , jodha and bakhsi bano totally shock “ i will you my colleague , he is the best gynaecologist “ he add then he write something on paper and give it to jalal
“ my wife pregnant ? you sure “ ask him still can’t believe the news
“ yes may be around 4 weeks so need to check again to make it sure “ reply dr. kumar then she look at jodha “ you must taking care youself now, don’t lift anything heavy, and take a lot rest “ he advice and jodha nod
“ ooohh my God . . jodha you are preganant sweety “ said jalal with happiness yet unbelieavable
“ yes . . there is out baby inside me “ she reply with amaze and touch her tummy gentle
“ i will dr. anil now . . thank you doctor thank you “ jalal hug the older doctor with exciting, then he sit beside jodha and kiss her on lips tight, a very sweet kiss “ oohh sweety we are gonna be a parents . . “ he said and then he cover jodha’s hand on her tummy
“ yes . . i’m very happy bout this . . let’s go meet dr. anil so we can do what the best for our baby “ she said with teary eyes, this happiness in overwhelming for her
“ sure sweety sure . . we will go to see him now “ reply jalal then he run to his mother “ ammijan . . i’m goin to be a father . . it’s true ammijan “ hamida almost cry looking her eldest son looks very happy, she hug him.
“ i’m very happy jalal . . congratulation . . abbujan to be “ jalal hug his mother tightly then when he release her, bakhsi bano hug him.
“ bhaijan . . congratulation . . i’m goin to be a phupi “ said bakhi bano then she run towards jodha and hug her too “ ooh congratulation jodha bhabijan . . you are goin to be a mother “ jodha hug bakhsi bano
“ thank you bakhsi “ she said
“ ok . . jodha i will ask zahir to arrange car for us . . . . “
“ i’m coming with you jalal “ cut hamida
“ me too jalal . . i’m coming too “ reply bakhsi bano
Jalal chuckled looking at how his mother and sister very exciting to go with him and jodha “ ok . . ok . . i’ll ask zahir to prepare limo for us “ said jalal, then he escord dr. kumar who ask permission to leave, and not for long they all go to St. Mary Hospital to meet dr. anil.

With nervous jalal waiting dr. anil examine jodha, he already put some gel on jodha’s  tummy and start to check her by ultrasound, dr. anil with serious looking at the screen and then he smile.
“ congratulation mr & mrs jalal, your wife is 4 weeks pregnant “ he announce the good news to the happy couple “ come mr jalal and see it’s still yolk sac but you can see it “ jalal come and watch the screen and saw there something like a rice inside jodha’s womb, he feel amaze just by looking at that.
“ that’s my kid to be he ask ? “ ask jalal still looking at the screen, jodha too looking at the screen and she already cry
“ yes . . you can’t see it very clear now since it’s still in 4weeks, so i will arrange next Friday to check up again “ dr. anil said “ and meanwhile i will give you prescription for your wife“ he add then he print the picture from ultrasound, then he give jodha tissue to swap her tummy and clean the it from the gel, jalal help jodha to sit and wait for dr anil give them prescription
“ my wife had dizzy and vomit earlier . . is that normal ? “ ask jalal
Dr. anil smile and reassuring the billionaire and his wife “ it’s normal to have morning sickness, your wife must careful and taking care of her because in early pregnancy until trimesters there is huge possibility to miscarriage, so make sure she don’t do hard work and take a lot of rest “ suggest dr. anil, he look at the young couple and he still can’t believe that the billionaire jalaluddin and his wife are his patient now, he will do anything to make sure delivery healthy heir for him.
Jalal and jodha nod and jalal promise to extra carefull with jodha and make sure she eat and rest properly “ i do whatever you ask doctor . . i want my wife and my baby health “ he said then dr ali handed jalal the prescription and after chit chat for a while jalal and jodha leave and they give the good news to hamida and bakshi bano.
Hamida kiss jodha forehead with gentle “ my child . . you give me beautiful gift , now i can hope to help my grandchild soon “ she said with soo emotional
Teary eyes jodha looking at her mother in law “ i’m soo happy ammijan . . “ she said
“ we all happy bhabijan . . now it’s a deal that i will be a phupi . . the best phupi “ reply bakhsi bano
“ you will become very dear phupi . . and ammijan will be a lovely dadijan “ said jodha and they all laugh
Jalal put his arms around jodha’s waist and with protective hold her close to him “ come on let’s go home . . tomorrow we will celebrate abdul selima wedding plan, we will celebrate jodha pregnancy and pray for the health of jodha and the baby “ hamida nod and she will pray for the health and safety jodha and the baby, then jalal take his loving wife and his family leave the hospital, there is unbearable happiness in his heart, he keep holding jodha closer to him and sometimes he stop and kiss her forehead to show his love and care for her, there is a happy bright future waiting for them.

Chapter 50

Chapter 40

          Abdul and jalal are in jalal’s office at home, others already go home but abdul want to talk to jalal first, he is very happy when jalal announced jodha’s pregnancy, finally his best friend will be a father, they both drink red wine.
“ still can’t believe that you will be a father soon “ he said
Jalal chuckled “ me too still can’t believe it . . seems like everything is just a dream, i felt i’ve just met jodha again and now she is pregnant, there is my kid inside her and the first time i saw the embryo it was the most amazing feeling, how we create a new life “ jalal will always remember that day
“ yeah i can’t imagine what you feel now “ said abdul
“ i will make sure jodha taking care when i’m not around, she had bad morning sickness and i don’t want she is to be alone when i’m working “ abdul nod and agree with jalal suggestion “ i hire a nurse for her and a chef and they will come this afternoon and i will interview them first but i already check their background and nothing suspicious, i read that pregnant woman had huge appetite so she can eat whatever she want but healthy too “ add jalal
“ i agree with you and beside early pregnancy had miscarriage risk so better had nurse to keep an eyes of her “ reply abdul
“ yes . . . and must tighten security team, the moment media acknowledge she carried the heir or mughals and make it huge news i’m afraid my enemy will start to make a dirty plan “ jalal promises to himself that no bad guy can fo near his precious wife
“ you must extra careful to adham and sharifuddin “ said abdul and jalal look at his best friend with curious “ we know adham may be he now planning to take revenge because you throw his mother to jail and bout sharifuddin i’ve met him before you marry jodha and he try to harras selima but i give him a lesson and warning him that the next time he want to harras or disturb selima he must face me and i wont think twice to kill him if he hurt my woman “ jalal smile and he happy that selima finally recognize this amazing man in her life, falling in love to him and ready to marry him.
“ i will ask adgah to arrange people keep an eyes adham and sharifuddin . . and i remember once jodha got creppy call but can’t trace the call, but after maham anga true colour come out there are three people i suspect three people who arranged that creepy called, maham anga, adham or sharifuddin “ abdul guess that three people too
“ my be they are joint hand to destroy your happy life with jodha “ guess abdul
“ yes that cross in my mind too and that’s why i want to tighten jodha’s security because that people too coward to confront me straight and so they attact me through jodha because they know hurting her mean hurting me but my woman is a fighter lioness, like what maham anga do when she hired abu mali to kill jodha but what she didn’t count was jodha fight abu mali even she choose to jump from car rather than must under him mercy “ reply jalal with proud, he always proud with jodha’s acted when abu mali kidnap her and tried to kill her
“ yes . . she is indeed a lioness . . and i will tighten security for selima too but i’m happy after we got married we will leave near here so we can keep an eyes of each other “ abdul really happy and glad that jalal built this new mughals residence because family with keep live near by and like jalal he is like family too, since his parents died jalal and his family is the only family he know, just like bobby too.
“ yes that’s ammijan dream . . she don’t want to be far away with her children after we married and i’m glad that i built this residential because our kids will be under her surveillance too and she will attact anyone who messing with her family especially her grandchildrens “ said jalal
“ that’s true . . and brother now i understand your feeling when you cant wait to marry jodha, i feel the same too and can’t wait for my wedding day “ reply abdul and jalal laugh
“ ohhh and i couldn’t for my first night with jodha, being the first man for her is such honor for me, she give me the most precious thing, i wouldn’t care if she was not a virgin but the fact she was really make me happy and cherish her more “ abdul looking at jalal with disbelief
“ virgin ? really ? and you both didn’t do it before your marry ? how come ? you even live together for sometimes, how can you hold your self with her “ ask abdul and he still can’t believe that jodha still a virgin despite she is a widowed
“ yes jodha is virgin when marry to me because she and her ex husband ever able to consummate their marriage, and later we found out that he is a gay “ abdul listen carefully and nod then jalal chuckled “ oooh brother it’s not a easy to not making love with her before our marriage and soo many times i almost lost my control but i want to make love to her for the first time at our first night, that is how i honor her for what she gave me her precious thing “ there is proud in jalal’s tone
Abdul still amaze on how jalal can control himself, he too sometimes can’t control himself with selima but he never stay under one roof with her so he don’t know if  he can control it if that happen while jalal live with jodha for quite time and can hold his libido, he is a man in his prime time and being with the girl he love still can hold back his desire that is pretty amazing in abdul’s book  “ you are amazing man . . i don’t know if me and selima in your and jodha position we will able to hold us back, and i know selima had one two boyfriend and may be done making love with them and i don’t have problem with that too either because in the end it’s me who will warm her bed till we died “ claimed abdul
“ i hear you brother . . and i’m happy that finally you will marry your dream woman “ jalal wink to abdul
“ yes . . . the woman of my dream will be my wife very soon “ reply abdul
“ and who know you will like me can get selima pregnant in first try “ said jalal and both laugh.

Bobby and mirza sit near the swimming pool, mirza just helping bobby for some plan in his business.
“ geez man can you imagine there would be little big man ? as if big man himself is not enough “ said bobby and he chuckled
“ yeah we will have miniature big man and lady b and we will be their minion “ said mirza in funny
“ yeah can’t imagine . . as the first grandchild he or she will be the centre of attention and we all the old guys just like you said will be their minion “ reply bobby
“ but my God . . big man is great, he success impregnated lady b in first attempt , never doubt mughals sperm power “ said mirza with proud
“ hahaha you crazy . . and by the way how is with the smoking hot lady ? “ ask bobby
“ it’s amazing man . . . , her hotness match mine, her desire match mine, her wildness match mine and definitely her feel match mine . . and she already in my spider web and i wont let her go at any cost “ answer mirza
“ you serious with her ? really man ? “ ask bobby curious
“ yes i’m serious . . . i know we have something very special but we want to take it slow in our relationship . . . “
“ but move fast in bed department “ cut bobby with smile
Mirza laugh “ hey man i’m not a saint and she is not too, we know what we had and we will enjoy it and see where this relationship will go but like i said once that when i found a woman who can keep me busy in bed and occupy my mind definitely will marry her and she is fit that category . . just not planning to marry soon, and it still so soon for us “
“ good man . . i’m glad to hear that, finally my brother found his match “ bobby watch mirza grin
“ and what bout you . . you and your juliet bunny having fun and steamy night when you guys in new york ? “ tease mirza
Bobby’s face redden “ hell man . . i wont tell you “ reply bobby
Mirza laugh “ no need to tell me man . . i knew . . you are a saint and you will not cross the limit but it will amazing to see how long you will survived “
“ she will in my bed until i put wedding ring in her finger “ said bobby with confident and determination
“ good for you and good luck man “ reply mirza
“ and you be careful youself big man told us clearly no babbies outside wedlock “ warn bobby
“ hah . . me and moti not some horny kids who just do sex without think bout the consequences and without precaution and we will make sure no babies before we legally marry “ bobby chuckled listening to his answer.
“ yeah i’m sure you will handle everything  . . and i hope my business and bakhsi business success especially mine so i can ask her hand for marriage “ said bobby with hopeful
“ you will do great man . . when everyting smooth with sujamal and you had contract with him i tell you that your future is bright, and baam you and bakhsi bano will get bhaijan permission for getting marry “ bobby hope mirza words become true
“ i hope that too man . . she is my life and i want to spend time my whole life with her “ reply bobby with emotional
“ you will romeo you will . . i will help you whenever i can “ said mirza and bobby feel bless because eventhough mirza sometimes crazy but he is very good friend and bobby feel lucky to have him as his brother and to have bakhsi bano in his life.

Jodha, selima , bakhsi bano and moti in jodha’s wardrobe and they look at the clothes that jodha buy for them.
“ ooh boy . . jalal and sujamal indeed insane because they bough all this for you “ said selima with amaze
“ hahah selima didi you have no idea how they are like crazy grab every cloth and handed it to sales girl and ask them to bags them “ said bakhsi in chuckled.
“ yes . . i agree with you selima didi . . both guys loosing their mind, they fill this wardrobe with new clothes “ reply moti
Jodha chuckled “ yes they are crazy “
Selima looking at jodha who more glowing now may because her pregnancy, she heard when a woman pregnant they are beautifully glowing “ i’m very happy with your pregnancy jodha, you and jalal really deserve this blessing and happiness “
“ thank you selima didi and now you and abdul bhaijan will getting marry so i hope you will have little abdul ot little selima soon “ said jodha
“ yes . . i want to have a baby too . .  we’ll see “ reply selima
Then moti phone buzz and she open it, there is message from mirza and moti read his message and smile, jodha and selima notice it “ what’s wrong moti ? “ ask jodha
Moti looking at jodha and selima “ it’s mirza  . . . he ask me to come to his house “
Selima look confuse “ mirza ask you to come to his house ? but why ? “ moti cheeks redden
Bakhsi bano confuse too “ yes moti why mirza bhaijan ask you to come to his house ?  i didn’t know you and mirza bhaijan close “ ask bakhsi bano, jodha giggle looking at moti face expression
“ hmmm mirza and i . . we are . . . “ moti feel very nervous must explain to these ladies that she and mirza are together
“ mirza and moti are new love birds “ said jodha, selima and bakhsi bano look at jodha then to moti with disbelief
“ get the hell out of  here . . moti . . is it true ? you and mirza bhaijan ? seriously ? “ ask bakhsi bano
“ yes well we pretty much together “ answer moti
“ wow . . this is really surprising . . you and mirza . . ooh boy “ reply selima, she stil feel surpised
“ ooohhh moti it’s fantastic you will be my sister in law too “ said bakhsi bano with cheerfull
“ wow . . bakhsi we are just starting our relationship and still don’t know where this all will goin “ reply moti
Bakhsi smile “ ooh im sure you will become my sister in law moti .. ooh this is so much fun “
“ yes moti . . i’m happy for you and mirza “ reply selima and then they hear moti phone buzz, moti look at it mirza send another message
“ it’s from mirza bhaijan ? “ ask bakhsi bano
“ yup . . . “ moti his message and smile
“ what it said ? “ ask selima curious looking at moti’s smile
“ why take time so long to come “ she answer and the three ladies hold their smile
“  you better go now moti, and take all that clothes . . i bet mirza will drive you home , ask zahir to let his man helping you with all that bags “ said jodha and moti nod
“ ok . . i will go now before he send another message “ reply moti, then she leave with a lots of bags, jodha, selima and bakhsi bano looking at each other then they all smile.

A man in black suit come into a office where the godfather bairam khan standing in front of the window.
“ what’s the news ? “ ask bairam khan
“ heard someone try finding a hitman to kill jalal “ said the younger man
“ hmm find out who want to kill jalal “ reply bairam khan
“ why still helping him . . you clear your debt to him ? “ the younger man wont understand what’s in bairam khan mind
“ i will always in debt to him for the rest of my life because he save my only grandson life, and no money can pay what he was done, debt of honor is something that can never been paid enough “ younger man nod
“ now go and find out who is coward enough to hire hitman to do their dirty act “ command bairam khan and the younger man leave, bairam khan looking out the window where his grandson play and he smile, because of that brave young man he still have his grandson, the only family he got and like he said that he will always in debt to jalal no matter how much he help him because he debt him his grandson life, and he already check jalal background too despite he know him as jalal the billionaire, when he read his background and read how he is very protective towards his family and how he is a very fair man, lot people speak hightly bout him, he is a good man and to encounter with such a good man is a very rare change and he never let a good man being hurt so he will find out who is the coward.

Moti and mirza swimming in his pool and as to his request wearing red hot bikini and with a winning smile mirza jump into the pool bring moti along with him, mirza already ask his bodyguard to not bother him and clear swimming pool area, moti and mirza make a competition who will got reach the other side of pool and both swim with everything they got but since mirza have advantage because he is taller, bigger and stronger from moti so of course he win, he smile with happy when touch reach the side of pool I first place
“ oooh man . . it’s unfair competition “ complain moti
Mirza reach her and hug her “ but it’s fun “ he said while slide his hands around her waist
With happy moti looking at mirza “ of course it’s very fun “ reply moti, she caressing his hairy chest then slip her hands around mirza neck, then with slowly she kiss him, they are kissing with hunger and passionate, moti instinctively circle her legs around his waist
“ hmmmm . . you taste delicious hottie  “ said mirza when he break the kiss
Moti chuckled “ you too hottie . . and by the way do you know why i insist you to wear bikini ? “ ask mirza
“ no why ? “ ask moti, but instead answer her question mirza walking until moti feel the wall of swimming pool on her back, then she feel mirza hands touch her back and untie her bikini top
“ so i can do this “ reply mirza with sensuous then take off the top bikini , he look at her beautiful breast then he lift up moti higher then he catch her breast, he suckled her nipples hard and bite them hard enough to make moti scream, and while playing with her breast he untie her bottom bikini and take it off too and now moti fully naked, then he release his manhood and guide it to the wetness between her legs and with slowly he thrust inside her, he keep suckled her breast while moving his waits faster and thrust deeper inside moti’s womanhood, moti’s body move wildly as he keep thrusting faster and deeper, moti hug mirza head who seem very like suckled her breast.
“ hmmm hmmmm “ he moans with moti’s breast inside his mouth
“ oohhh . . . ahhhh baby “ moti moans
Mirza release her breast and kiss her now “ i’m goin to come baby “ he said, his face muscle stiff
“ mee too baby . . i want to come “ she said between her moans
“ hold on to me baby . . . “ moti tighten her hug around mirza neck “ now . . baby now “ mirza almost scream and both reach an amazing orgasm, mirza keep his manhood inside her and both kissing, everytime they are making love it’s always amazing and fantastic then miza hug her tight and rest his head on her shoulder, and moti caress his head with gentle.

Jodha ready to go sleep and sit on bed waiting for jalal, he need to make important call, jodha really happy today , be with her family always fun and enjoying moment, and they all now over protective towards her too like jalal, and the chef and nurse that jalal hire already arrive, the chef he is very a nice man, he is in mid forty and had lot experiences work at famous restaurant but he prefer private chef now because it fit him more because the demanding not as crazy as when he work at restaurant, and the nurse is fifty years old woman named santi, she is experiences nurse and very sweet too and she like her the moment jalal introduce her, she is a single mother and her daughter just two years older than jodha and married and leave in delhi, santi told jalal she will make sure jodha being taking care of.
Jalal come to bedroom and find his wife waiting for him, she smile watching at jodha who now look more beautiful, radiant and glowing.
“ today is very fun right “ he said while sitting beside her
Jodha smile to him “ yes . . very fun . . and you know i can’t wait for the next our appointment with dr anil, want to see my baby again, eventhough it’s embryo but love it “ she said
“ yes me too sweety, can’t wait for that day . . i will clear my schedule that day so i can go with you, i want to see my baby too “ he said
Jodha rest his head on his shoulder “ not for long this house with noisy woth baby smiles, baby cries and baby screams “
Jalal kiss top her head gentle “ yes sweety and when the time is right you will change one room into nursery “
Jodha with happy and hopeful lokking at jalal “ ooh jalal . . i’m gonna enjoying doing that “ she said
“ good then wait another couple months until you feel healthy “ reply jalal and jodha nod with happy “ you know the last time we make love in our honey moon i wonder why your breast softer and your nipples darker little bit, you already pregnant that time and i’m glad nothing bad happen remembering how wild when we were made love “ jalal really thank to God nothing is happen to jodha condiser they had very active sexual life
“ yes jalal thank God nothing is happen “ reply jodha “ and now i understand why my breast feels more sensitive especially my nipples “
“ really ? “ he ask
“ yes “ reply jodha
“ let me see “ jalal sit in front of jodha and pull down her sleepwear satin babydoll, he touch her breast and nipples and she winch, jalal looking at to her “ hurt ? “ he ask
“ little bit when my pregnancy getting bigger my breast will get bigger and will need to change my bra to bigger size “ she reply
“ will buy everything you need but now i want to caress this sensitive breast of yours “ jalal touch her breast and caress it soo gentle, the darker nipples hardened and he kiss it gentle, then he lick the nipples gentle
“ ahhh hmmm “ she moans
“ hurts ? “ he ask
“ not really “ answer jodha, her body already want him
“ if i suckled it would it be hurt you ? “ he ask again
Jodha look at her husband and smile with naughty “ why don’t you find out “
“ oohh my pleasure sweety “ reply jalal and then he take one nipple into his mouth and suckled it gentle, jodha close her eyes and let her hunger for this man satiesfield, jalal suckled little harder and still no rejection from her but when he go harder jodha feel hurt.
“ aww “ she winch and jalal stop
“ hurt ? “ he ask and jodha nod “ ok . . now i know how much i can go further “ he said, then he back to suckled her nipples and he doin it with enough force, jodha touch his hairs and she watch him suckled her breast like a baby
“ i love when you suckled my breast . . it feel amazing and fantastic “ said jodha with hoarse voice
“ and i love your breast sweety and my kids will be my tough contender to dominate this gorgeous breast and that’s why until out baby born i will spend time with your breast as much as i can because when our baby born will have this breast exclusive “ said jalal and jodha laugh listening him think their kids as the competitor “ and for three month after the birth i will have to do fasting make lve but when doctor give green sign i will make love to you restless “ he add
Jodha caress his cheeks “ you are very cute “ said jodha
Jalal look at her in dangerous way “ me ? cute ? “ he ask
“ yes “ reply jodha
“ oooh you are gonna take back that word sweety “ warn jalal then without a warning he roll off the bottom of her lace babydoll and take off her panty very fast then bury his face between her legs, he open her legs open wide and kiss and licking her labia with hungrily, he thrust his tongue inside her and jodha screams, he keep doin for the next ten minutes until jodha had her orgasm, then he look at her.
“ you are not cute . . you are too much hot “ jodha whispering and jalal smile, he want to release his own desire but he will ask doctor first if it safe to making love at her early pregnancy, for him jodha and baby safety come first, then he take of the rest of jodha’s sleepwear and hold her naked body but before he kiss her tummy.
“ good night kiddo . . sleep well and have a sweet dream bout us, we are already love you kiddo so be healthty “ he talk gentle towards jodha’s tummy and jodha shed a tears looking at jalal who already falling in love with his kid eventhough still in embryo form, and with unbearable happiness jodha and jalal sleep in each other arms.

Meanwhile somewhere a slender tall woman standing in a balcony, there is something bout her that will make you chilling through your bone, she feel happy because now she finally found the man she always love and she will make sure that this time she will have him, no one can take him away again, she will have him at any cost, she come inside her room and look at the huge picture of the man she love that hang above her bed, she smile to the picture and whispering his name  then she chuckled and laying on bed with happy.

In sunday morning  jodha had bad morning sickness again and santi bring a ginger drink for her nausea, jalal feels glad looking at how santi very capable taking care his wife and he can relax now because jodha will be in good hands, and chef already making healthy food and fruits , santi give references to chef what’s food and fruits good for pregnant woman.
Jalal enjoy swimming while jodha sitting beside the pool and put her foot into the water, she smile looking  jalal dive to the bottom of the pool, he is so energetic and she saw he swim in some style, he is an amazing swimmer, after few minutes dive finally jalal come to surface, he wipe out the water from his face and smile to jodha then he come to her, he stand between her legs and put his wet arms around her waist.
“ too bad you can’t swim with me “ said jalal
“ when i feel better we will swim together “ reply jodha
Jalal smile and he touch her cheeks “ pregnant wife on mine  swimming with me that would very amazing “
“ yes . . . let’s wait that moment “ jodha wipe the water that drop on his cheeks from his wet hair “ you are looking very sexy and riddiculus handsome being wet like this “ she praise him
Jalal chuckled and he hold the back of jodha head and pull it down so he can kiss her, he kiss her sweet and gentle as if he afraid to break her, jodha kiss him back more passionate then jalal break the kiss and watch his beautiful wife, he lift up his body and sit next to her jodha clung to is arm.
“ you’ll getting wet “ he warn her
Jodha smile “ don’t care . . hmmm “ she keep clung to him and close her eyes, jalal looking to jodha and smile, he see the sun and feel that jodha now is his sun, she is the one who make his life bright, she is the light of his life, he kiss jodha top of her head with love.